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David is staring as Major general Stanley with Central City Opera 

David will be performing as Robin Oakapple in NYGASP's Ruddigore 

To top it all there’s the dead brilliant centrifugal force of David Macaluso as Ko-Ko, the reluctant Lord High Executioner. Macaluso, who was just as boisterous in NYGASP’s Pirates of Penzance last winter, gives us Ko-Ko as a fiery concoction of sneakiness and avarice, dweebitude and ego. When he’s on stage, comic business seems to explode both within him and into the surrounding company. BLOGCRITICS.ORG

"The comic lead, and therefore, the lead, David Macaluso was wonderfully droll as Ko-Ko... he performed his role with perfect G & S deportment and a nimble tongue."


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